Friday, January 22, 2021

Coming Monday


   Chapter                          Days

   1.  Someone Has to Die    1-3

   2.  Son of My Right Hand  4-5

   3.  When Love Hurts         6-7

   4.  Testing the Teacher      8-10

   5.  He Pays My Debt         11

   6.  Captain Goes to Hell    12-13

   7.  Divine Surprise            14-15

   8.  Back from Earth           16-17

   9.  Weapons of Warfare     18-19

  10. Testing Benjamin          20

  11.  Preparation for War      21  

  12.  Let the Joy Begin         22 

  13.  Mission to Earth           23-24

  14.  Captain Takes Charge   25

  15.  Still Small Voice           26-27 

   Readers: My earlier message had a mistake. This is not "my" story. 

   It is the Lord's story, told largely in his words, NIV, intermingled with my

   feeble fiction. If you draw closer to him, Praise the Lord!     Not me. 



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