Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Loud Voices Shatter Calm  

As The Host waits for new commands, warriors remember another time they were called upon, Noah's time. 

   This time ... this time ... the world will be no more, if the order is given. Elements of earth will be destroyed by fire, as angels separate protons from neutrons from electrons. The sun will be darkened, the moon of course, and stars will fall from the sky. Heavenly bodies will be shaken with a great roar. 

   Suddenly, a rush sweeps over the ranks. A loud voice calls The Host to attention. Angels snap into place with perfect comportment. A second command, and every sword flashes upright. A third voice, and swords respond as if bolts of lightning. 

   Twelve legions cannot be recognized beneath the cover of a white-hot blaze. The Host can separate bone from marrow, right from wrong, truth from falsehood. 

   They once loosed the floodgates. Now, the gates themselves. 

   The Host is ready. 

   One more command informs the warriors to extinguish their fire. They stand down. 

   All wait. 

   Waiting on word from below. 

   Tomorrow: Introducing redemption

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