Monday, January 4, 2021

Georgia on My Mind   

   In 1781 the British surrendered at Yorktown. 

   Life in America didn't change suddenly. But in time, the fruit of revolution was freedom (not immediately for slaves) not only from a foreign power but from tyrannical government. 

   Yorktown is history's tipping point for the birth of a different nation. 

   Tuesday in Georgia the balance of power is on the ballot. As you know, even if one or both Republican senators win their runoff, the Senate holds a razor-thin ability to restrain the new president and House. 

   Until lately, America could endure a period in which one party held all the reigns, especially considering Supreme Court oversight. Few feared that one of the parties would seek to destroy our Constitution.

   That time has gone. One party has evolved. They will rule, not "we the people." In an unguarded moment, Senator Schumer shouted, after Georgia, "we're going to change America!"

   They wish to mix us in with a one-world government. We saw that 12 years ago this Spring. Some of them think 75 million voters should be cancelled. We saw that four years ago with Hillary Clinton's description: "deplorables." 

   There are governors and mayors messing with our lives ... right or wrong. A billionaire who doesn't live in the U.S. can influence most anything. Big techs, media and other high rollers carry far more clout than "we the people." We are divided, by design. That's how dictators win.  

   All this - and they don't yet have the White House. We hope the 60 percent rule for major legislation will survive. And that Biden and McConnell will remain constructive friends. And that Joe Manchin will break rank when sanity calls. 

   We pray that history doesn't call Georgia the end of Yorktown. 



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