Monday, January 25, 2021


Chapter 1

Someone Has to Die

Unlikely companions they are, being from two different realms. 

   One had been a prophet, as a man, made a little lower than the angels. Now in the kingdom, his redeemed life is a little above the angels. 

   Prophet, as we know him, is assigned to explain human beings to a recently created angel. As a servant of the Most High, the perfect angel otherwise needs nothing from man. But, these mortals...why don't they understand the obvious? 

   We catch up with them while paradise is on high alert. Something historical is about to happen on earth, and legions of warrior angels may be deployed. 

   The twosome arrives at a staging area, where angels outfitted for spiritual warfare are assembling. 

   Prophet says to his student, These warriors have power unsurpassed by any weapon on earth. 

   I understand, replies Benjamin, politely. Remember, I'm an angel

   Prophet grins, I'll try to keep that in mind. 

   I have been directed ... and this is why I am assigned to you ... to provide knowledge of how they think and feel ... as life is there, not here. I can't do what you do, and you don't yet know what I know. You will someday serve there. I cannot return until the end of the age. 

   They overlook the nearest formation ... 10 files across and 10 rows deep, 100 combatants in all. This is a company. Down the line, each group of three companies form a battalion of 300. 

   Four battalions make up a regiment of 1,200 angels. Twelve regiments form a brigade of 14,400, and 12 brigades form a legion of 172,800. 

   No unit is called a division. That word is not used here. It is never needed since wickedness was found in Lucifer and he along with a third of the angels were banished to earth like a bolt of lightning. 

Tomorrow: One battalion is missing


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