Tuesday, January 5, 2021

 Readers: Your Lives Matter   

   Some of you know we attended journalism school, and spent our early working years on a newspaper. We were never going to be influential, but we took our teaching seriously - writing the information, letting readers decide what to think.

   You know - that's not how it's done today, especially with anything remotely political. We hear that journalism professors no longer coach students to hide their bias. Today's media intends to own you. 

   Let's call it - sinformation. 

   Not only does print and TV tell us what to think, they withhold information that doesn't align with their politics. Social media giants are masters at this. A wise columnist recently wrote about "things stated as facts, that cannot possibly be known as facts." 

   Take "Black Lives Matter." It's a relative term, pretending to be absolute. To whom do black lives matter? 

   Does the life of Clarence Thomas matter to the crowd equally with George Floyd or Michael Brown? Did the life of a black police chief murdered in St. Louis matter to BLM rioters? 

   Take the word "offensive." The Chiefs, Braves, Blackhawks, Seminoles, (formerly)  Redskins and Indians are offensive to the New York Times. But, polls have found a small fraction of native Americans are actually offended. Many are probably more concerned with survival.   

   "Times opinion journalists are so accustomed to making absolute statements," says our source, "they don't even know they're doing it anymore." There are few, if any, journalism schools that will call them out. 

   Here's good information: Your life matters. To God. Absolutely. 




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