Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Who Are the Extremists?   

   Attorney General William Barr spoke at the University of Our Lady (Notre Dame), contending that many of our problems are spiritual issues at root. 
Is he right? 

   We've often thought likewise, though he didn't consult us.

   Tuesday on Fox News' Outnumbered, the token liberal woman countered that secular people have morals too. Christians have no corner on values. Church and state must be separate. Is she right? 

   Consider that American culture is increasingly shaped by people in high places, now that city life has replaced life on the farm. 

   We have substituted man and material for God and his kingdom. So, who is to blame for mischief, and today's sad headlines? 

   Are the Left's morals rooted in God's Word, or in the minds of men? Are we commissioned to make Earth heavenly, or do we transfer our true citizenship to his Kingdom and encourage others to do likewise? 

   It seems that true good works come from Scripture and are passed along, even to unbelievers. We can't think of any other source, given the lessons of history. 

   That doesn't make Christians necessarily better citizens than certain others, nor is the USA heaven on earth.

   Morals without God become tools of the devil.

   The people striving to replace the president in 2020 present themselves as more righteous than us - Hillary's "deplorables." If we fail to agree with their notion of rights, we are subject to exclusion and second-class citizenship. Listen to their words. There's no "live and let live."  

   Maybe Christians are the extremists in today's America. The Lord Jesus warned that the world will hate us, as it hated him. 



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