Friday, October 11, 2019

She Was Highly Favored   
   Part 3 of 4

   God chose her to bear the Christ, by the Holy Spirit. 
Wait, hold the baby shower. 

   Caesar has ordered that every man in the empire report to his own town for a census taking. Mary, about to deliver, and Joseph of Nazareth have a three-day trek to Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). 

   They had no reservation at the Bethlehem inn. A cattle stall would have to do, and there the Christ child was born. 

   Herod heard of the "newborn king" and plotted to kill Mary's baby. An angel sent them into Egypt (Hosea 11:1) for two years, until Herod died. 

   Fast forward. Jesus at age 30 spent 40 days in the desert without food or drink, his only visitor the devil himself. 

   With the help of ministering angels, Jesus returned to Galilee and directed Mary's relative to baptize him. He began choosing disciples, who traveled with him far and wide without benefit of road maps or GPS. 

   John (Malachi 3:1) who had the honor of baptizing Jesus, got tossed in prison for criticizing hypocritical religious leaders. Worse, he told Herod it was not lawful to marry his brother's wife, Herodias, now the "first lady," who managed to have him beheaded. 

   Jesus stunned his disciples. He would return to the Father, and they would see him no more. This mystery became a nightmare. 

   The Son of God voluntarily suffered a horrible death to offer redemption for you and me and sinners everywhere. His resurrection amazed them, and the Holy Spirit empowered them. They set out to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). 

Saturday: Opposition never tires


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