Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Our Values Evolving      
   Maybe political animosity is not the worst problem facing America. Maybe it's that 65 percent of Americans are Christians, down from 77 percent a decade ago.

   Maybe the two items are linked. 

   The percentage of atheist, agnostic and "nothing in particular" is 26 percent - one in four of us - up from 17 percent ten years ago. At this rate, in a decade, 52 percent will be Christians and 35 percent - nothing. 

   You know where power is headed, if it's not there already. About 64 percent of teenagers rarely or never talk about religion with their friends.

   Imaging facing the Lord Almighty on Judgment Day, and He asks, 
"What do you say for yourself?"  ...   "Oh, nothing in particular." 

We're Not on Fire, Yet 

   Consider the violent events occurring in Hong Kong, Haiti, Iraq, Ecuador, Syria, Santiago, Beirut and Barcelona. Those are ones we know of. 

Two Friends Did; One Knew Better  

   Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and friends Devon Archer and Chris Heinz (stepson of John Kerry), are businessmen. Archer and Heinz were roommates at Yale. 

   The three co-founded an investment fund in 2009. Biden and Archer later got on the board of Burisma, an energy company in Ukraine. Heinz advised against that. 

   When Biden and Archer ignored Heinz's warning, he ended his business relationship with them. That might tell us something.


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