Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Where the Money Is       
   Remember what the old bank robber said when asked why he robbed banks? "Because that's where the money is." 

   In a capitalistic system, money is produced by capitalists, inventors etc. Long ago, some or many U.S. companies enriched their investors and management while paying workers as little as possible. Hence, the rise of labor unions. 

   Today, companies accept their place in citizenship, support causes, and we suppose, fear the wrath of special interest groups. It's called "public relations."

   But it's never enough. Politicians and their base voters want more...always more. Hard earned success is viewed as thievery, greed and corruption. 

   Watch the candidates compete to see who will best play Robin Hood. A nation with $22 trillion in debt is considered immoral if it doesn't adopt programs projected to cost another $100 trillion or more. 

   Achievers must give more - to the government. It knows best. Well, that's what Lenin and Stalin thought. 

   Examples? Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark and others adopted wealth taxes for re-distribution, only to find that penalties on success drove away badly needed capital and investments. They all rescinded their wealth taxes. 

   It's called "class warfare," but only the government wins. What's our wealthiest metro area? Washington D.C.   

   Republican media consultant Adam Goodman says, "Capitalism needs updated, and where broken, fixed. That includes doing the right things for the right reasons for workers, customers and the nation."

   All well and good. But goodbye prosperity, if that's not where the money is. What we think about the men and women in ivory towers is beside the point. We need them.  


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