Wednesday, October 2, 2019


   Let's sort this out, without using names so as to focus on particulars.

   There is an accomplished man in a city, working for free, gaining popularity with average people. And there are others in powerful positions who enjoy the wealth and notoriety power brings, regardless of accomplishment. 

   This latter group is accustomed to privilege built into a system. The main man has come from afar to teach his way...which disrupts their way. 

   The insiders plot to eliminate the man who threatens their status. When he achieves good things, or tackles unsolved problems, further drawing people to his cause, they become envious, and more hateful.

   Main man boldly tells them the truth: They aren't who they pretend to be. They are hypocrites (Greek for actors). They act for people to see and they love the place of honor at banquets.

   He accuses them of ignoring justice, mercy and faithfulness while dwelling on minor matters. He calls them greedy and self-indulgent. 

   They are furious, ready to do anything to rid themselves of their nemesis. They mock and insult the man, and put fear into his associates, some of whom desert him. They look for false evidence to eliminate him, even if it requires the cover of darkness.  
* * * 

   By now you're on to us. This is the story of the chief priests and elders versus Jesus. Sound familiar?

   But, there is no comparison between our president, not sinless, who fights back to save his cause, and Jesus, sinless, who refused to defend himself. 

The King's mission was to suffer and die in our place, 
and rise again to offer eternal life.




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