Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Almighty Science    

   We're reading more and more "scientific" evidence that the universe, Earth and its inhabitants did not appear by accident. Whether one believes in Creator God or not, there is no better explanation for numerous recent discoveries.

   Views has passed along a number of these discoveries (by scientists with open minds), with more to come. 

   The Wall Street Journal published on page one evidence that the high priests of science are "increasingly wracked with doubt." A wind is "blowing through the fields of scholarly (ideas) about nature ... threatening the confident faith in progress that has informed Western thought for centuries." 

   "At bottom," the Journal continued, "these observers see the breaking up of secular, rationalist humanism, a philosophy that germinated during the Renaissance ... and still permeates Western culture today." 

   "Through reason, man would discover the 'laws of nature.' But now, doubts are eroding this secular faith. Nature ... is coming to be viewed by many scientists as inherently disorderly." 

   This was published 25 years ago. A generation later, there is still no revision in science textbooks. What will it take?

   Unbelievers are loath to admit there might be Someone far greater than themselves. Meanwhile, they cling to their careers, group think, and contend that it may take centuries - but they're working on it. Stay tuned. 

Autumn Colors  
   Don't you love the changing colors of Fall? 

Cardinal and gold. Crimson and white. Maize and blue

Green and white. Scarlet and gray. Burnt orange and white.

Royal purple and gold. Orange and black.

Carolina blue and white. Garnet and gold


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