Thursday, October 17, 2019

I Am Smart, and Nosy     
   I can harvest and share your information, and provide a window to your interests, personality and emotions. You gave me permission when you tapped "OK."  

   I send out reports as often as one per second. I track you for the benefit of my numerous customers. I follow you and keep meticulous records.

   My eyes are not that big - just two dozen bundles of pixels, scattered around - but I generate a string of numbers that reveal the real you.

   Oh, I may not know you personally, but I know your household and all the gadgets you own - phones, tablets, laptops.

   My customers target you, because I help them know you best. Wait until election campaigns begin asking for my help. Ho ho ho. 

   You can tell me not to snoop, but most of you don't, because you don't read my Terms & Conditions.

   Don't call the Federal Trade Commission. They're okay with my set up. 

   Oh, sorry, let me reintroduce myself. I am your smart TV. Have a nice day. 

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