Tuesday, October 1, 2019

'Firestorm,' the Headline Screams  

   Well, who lit the match?  

   Want our Views about the phone call to Ukraine? Whether or not the president committed an impeachable offense - sometimes he says unhelpful things - let's put the latest firestorm into context:

1. Before Trump was elected, opponents were after his scalp. Okay, it was election season.

2. After his election: calls for impeachment. No reason. Thousands of people in the DC swamp formed a "resistance." Obama stayed in town, moving into a mansion with room for other partisans.   

3. Once in office, Trump's firing of the FBI director (whom the Dems also detested), became an opportunity to attack. The group assembled to investigate "collusion with the Russians" was entirely political opponents. Rep. Adam Schiff and others repeatedly lied about having evidence of collusion, which isn't a crime anyway. 

4. When Trump nominated his second Supreme Court justice, tipping the court toward conservatism, the Senate's advice & consent became charge & convict. Again, no truth to their ugly assertions. 

5. When border authorities tried to cope with overwhelming arrivals of various people from other nations (aided by who?), Trump and those obligated to protect the border became "racists" and worse. (The president helped his haters by (careless?) remarks he made during the 2016 campaign.)  

6. Now, the resistance replaces collusion with a transcript of a phone call to Ukraine (which supported H. Clinton, then became friendly to Trump). If this effort doesn't get the deep state's nemesis out of the White House, look for the next "offense," and the next, right up to November 2020.

7. Trump is a business man who supported both parties, and would do so now. He is different, which is good, and risky.

   Politically, our country is more divided than any time since the Civil War. Trump has tackled problems that presidents of both parties avoided. While some issues remain stubborn, he has achieved results that Americans of every stripe can appreciate. Except swamp creatures.  



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