Friday, October 4, 2019

Suspect Solutions    
  More wisdom from  
  Janie B. Cheaney,  
  WORLD magazine.  
   "In the United States, one party or the other will roll out a policy "solution" with great fanfare, but with little discussion of the causes of a problem or even what the real problem is. 

   "Policy is touted as savior before we've agreed on what needs to be saved: 
Incomes, or values?  Choice, or life?  Jobs, or purpose? 

   "Policy can't answer these questions, and by itself won't solve a single problem. We should keep that in mind in 2020." 

Charity Down  
   Despite rising incomes, charitable giving was down 3.4 percent last year. Some "experts" blame the 2017 tax reform law, which raised the standard deduction, removing the tax benefit of giving. 

Suicide Up   
   The increase in our U.S. suicide rate from 1999 to 2017 was 33 percent. 
Does anyone agree with me that - in part - this is a result of America semi-officially turning its back on God? 

   If I'm raised in a culture without time for God, and without godly parents, when life gets overly tough, I can just end it and escape. No big deal? 

We'll escape for the weekend,
and trust you'll click in on Monday.

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