Monday, October 7, 2019

This is Amazing!          
   A female cop, 31, off duty after another stressful day, parks on the wrong level of her apartment garage...enters the unlocked door of what she thinks is her apartment...and shoots dead a man she thinks is an intruder.  

   Another white on black shooting. The family and community is rightly, highly upset.

   To the courtroom.

   This woman is distraught and deeply sorry. She is found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison. 

   The victim's side is troubled that her sentence isn't worse. 

   But his brother tells the court he prefers no prison time for her, and asks the judge if he can give her a hug. Granted. 

   They embrace with emotion. He pleads that she will receive Christ into her life. 

   Sounds like a man who does more than attend church. He follows Jesus. 
   If we're seeing this right, he can mentor me any day.


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