Thursday, October 10, 2019

He Went Up the Mountain    
    Part 2 of 4  

   And down came the commandments.

   God arranged to save baby Moses in Egypt, but it was 80 years before the shepherd now in Arabia knew why. A "burning bush" told him to take hundreds of thousands of Hebrew slaves - who knew little about their God - out from under Pharaoh's iron grip and lead them over the barren desert back to this mountain. There, they would be schooled.  

   And by the way, Moses, you won't have provisions of food and drink, and your trip map crosses a sea. Don't worry; I'll be with you. 

   After 40 incredible years, Moses himself was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. God commissioned Joshua to lead, and told both men that the people would prostitute themselves to foreign gods, forsake the Lord and break the covenant. 

   On that note of no confidence, Joshua proceeded. There was no WELCOME sign at the Jordan River, no entry visas, and no free health care. 

   They were opposed by other nations, as are their descendants today. 

   Among the events, David slew Goliath. Instead of a parade or a medal of honor, he had to hide in a cave from jealous King Saul, even though God had promised David the kingdom. 

   As prophesied (see above), future generations disobeyed God. He sent Assyrians and Babylonians to destroy the divided kingdoms. The UN did nothing to help. 

   The prophet Jeremiah spent time in a cistern, and died knowing the people had ignored his warnings of God's judgment. His other prophecies were fulfilled later, and some are yet to be fulfilled. 

   God favored one of the exiles, Daniel, such that envious locals got him thrown into a den of lions. Three other faithful Jews infuriated King Nebuchadnezzar by refusing to bow down to his idol. Preferring death to worshiping idols, they were thrown into a blazing furnace. The Lord saved them all. 

Tomorrow: Will Jesus' followers fare better? 





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