Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Let's Hear It for Moses    
   Part 1 of 4

   And for Noah, David, Daniel, Peter, Paul and Mary. These and other biblical "heroes" suffered much while the Holy Spirit authored the Word of God in the context of human experience.

   The remainder of this week we will remind you what God wrought in these ordinary people, to produce Scripture useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) 

   Note: We call attention to life without modern convenience.

   When Adam and Eve sang, We've got the whole world, in our hands...God showed them the world outside the garden. If that wasn't trouble enough, one of their two sons killed the other.

   Noah was a righteous man. His reward was to spend a century building the world's first boat. (Newport News wasn't up and running yet.) Then God flooded the Earth and Noah's family had to start all over, without FEMA flood insurance.

   Abram also received a call from God: Leave your comfort zone and walk a long ways to a place you will be shown. Later, God told him to sacrifice his only son. It was just a test...with implications.

   His grandson Jacob had to go afar to find a non-Canaanite wife, a shepherdess. After working for her father for seven years, Jacob was tricked into serving another seven years. 

   He would become the "father" of 12 tribes, but first, his oldest sons lied to him that his favorite, young son was killed by an animal. Cruel.

   But Joseph was alive in Egypt where he had been "trafficked," serving one of Pharaoh's officials. Mrs. Potiphar had a cheating heart, and falsely accused Joseph of wrong doing. 

   We don't have space here to describe the conditions in his prison. But God was with him.    
Tomorrow: Up the mountain



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