Monday, October 21, 2019

Human Skulls, Perfect      
   They say the human skull perfectly conforms to the golden ratio, also called the divine proportion, or phi, approximately 1.618. This ratio occurs when the sum of two numbers divided by the larger number equals the larger number divided by the smaller. Mathematicians, search "golden ratio."

   Researchers compared 100 human skulls with 70 skulls from six animal types. The more sophisticated the animal, the closer its skull conforms to phi. Only human skulls align perfectly, they say.

   The arrangement of leaves on a branch and branches on a trunk often conform to the ratio, exposing each leaf to the maximum amount of water and sunlight. 

Hooray for Kids

   Our National Basketball Assn. has 800,000 fans in China, and makes $$$ televising games and selling merchandise. The Chinese company which streams NBA games has a $1.5 billion deal over five years. 

   But, Houston's GM recently tweeted support for Hong Kong's freedom fight. 

   Yao Ming, who played for Houston and is now head of the Chinese Basketball Assn., suspended ties to his former team. Nobody gets away with offending the communist government. 

   The NBA was "extremely disappointed with the (GM's) inappropriate comment." Also speaking for the league, all-star LeBron James, whom we respect, struck a nerve with Hong Kong protesters, U.S. lawmakers and me. 

   He accused the GM of being "uninformed," adding that "free speech can have negative consequences." Sure. LeBron's $480 million net worth and other millionaires might take a hit if they anger the dictators. 

   Other entertainment companies have traded freedom of expression for access to the Chinese market.

   But South Park brought out the youngsters with a satire to "welcome Chinese censors into our homes and our hearts." A 10-year-old on the show declared, "Anybody who would betray their ideals just to make money in China isn't worth a lick of spit." 

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