Monday, September 30, 2024

The Rest of the Story?

     Your life and mine are under the eyes of world leaders. 

     Our discussion days ago about border problems was only a chapter in a scary story. Thanks to our friend now living in Israel, we have a "world view" of this unprecedented movement. He sent us a report by Glenn Beck, including a speech Argentina's president delivered at the United Nations. Maybe you saw this. 

     For over a century, Argentina's collective polices drove their economy into oblivion. Javiar Milei, an economist, a student of U.S. independence, was elected president last December. Over half of Argentinians are still in poverty.

     Milei had the nerve to address the United Nations, noting "decades of failure" to follow its original mission. In 2015, the U.S., while Obama was president, signed on to the "2030 agenda," 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the world, 169 "targets" and 230 "indicators." 

     It seems the agenda has already collapsed, and Milei asked them to develop a new agenda. Do you think the UN Security Council will follow the advice of this man, not yet one year in power? Not likely. 

     Milei told them "Solutions of 2030 violate sovereignty, and the right to life, liberty and prosperity." Sound familiar? He said, "The agenda pretends to solve poverty, inequality and discrimination with laws that deepen those problems."  

     He continued, "History shows the only way to guarantee prosperity is to limit the monarchs, and defend the right to life, liberty and prosperity before the law. This agenda obeys privileged interest. It abandons principles and human rights."

Tomorrow: UN embarrassments





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