Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Then and Now  

Our first president, rather than seeking prestige and status, wrote: Government is not reason, but a force fire, dangerous servant, a fearful master. It must never be left to irresponsible action.

Republicans who have been imprisoned or financially broken by our DOJ, FBI and CIA could agree with George Washington. 

Then     Now

Limited government, reason, rights, character, justice, liberty.   

          Terrorists, human traffickers, drug dealers, transgender - kids.

Peaceful assembly, domestic tranquility, security, love of country.

          Unreasonable searches and seizures. Liars. Soft on crime. 

Government money tied to the gold standard.

          Today's debt: $35 trillion.

Free enterprise, safe streets and schools, secure border.

          Dangerous streets, schools at risk, illegal immigrants. 

News media, free from government interference.

          News media, used by government to interfere with truth. 




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