Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Encouraging Hope in Dark Times 

    Part 3, conclusion 

What about those outside Israel?

     Aaron: "Jewish people in a lot of places are feeling less confidant being public about their Jewishness. So, wherever we are we invite Israelis and Jewish people in. At our New York base, we invite people to come in and talk, connect and share how there're feeling. We want Jewish people to feel safe, to engage with other Jeish people, whatever they may believe. In the midst of that, many of them are getting to hear more about the hope that we have as Messianic Jews...what Jesus has done for us and how He's impacted our lives." 

How do you encourage hope among people in dark times?

     "We have one of the greatest solutions to anti-Semitism. We're not coming to this battle empty-handed. We want Jewish people and Arab and Palestinian people to hear about the hope we've discovered. So, we go back to the gospel. Jesus said, 'You will have hardship, but take heart, for I've overcome the world.'"

     "Division and hatred and wars shake us to our core, and they make us ask deep questions like, 'Why, God? Why is this happening?' Look at (ancient) Israel and the exile. Look through the Hebrew Scriptures, and you see how challenging times would bring men and women back to the Lord and back on their knees. In a sense, it's drawn us back onto our knees to say, 'God, You save us.' So, we have hope. We feel an immense sense of purpose."


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