Thursday, September 5, 2024

The End of Everything 

     Don't fear. It's only the title of a Victor Davis Hanson book. He says voters deserve to know whether either presidential candidate grasps how close "the unimaginable is to the quite possible."  

     Ah, maybe we should fear. 

     War and annihilation. From Russia and Ukraine to China and Taiwan. Korea, Iran and Israel. What could be the spark that sets the world ablaze? Russia is striking Ukraine and Ukraine is striking inside Russia. The U.S. supplies weapons. 

Side note: Our involvement may have more to do with profits for weapons companies. We read that Ukraine and Russia were ready to quit, but President Biden scrapped the deal. True or not? 

     Hanson's book covers four civilizations - Thebans, Carthaginians, Byzantines and Aztecs - all with common factors in their demise. Human nature has not changed. He says, "arrogant moderns misunderstand." 

     Israel awaits an Iranian attack. Nuclear Pakistan and (NATO) Turkey say they will supply or join the Iranian cause. And Nuclear Russia might also. (We thought Russia is busy with its own war). 

     Would the U.S. administration get involved in any of the global flashpoints? Hanson writes, "We share a major characteristic of the four dead civilizations: factions and disunity." 

     His question for both of our candidates: "Who can offer a winning, realistic vision that unites our divided country?"


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