Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You Name It 

     The United Nations allows it. Part 2

     The U.N. tolerates bloody dictatorships such as Cuba and Venezuela, which can serve on the human rights council like anyone else. Countries that punish women who show their skin may serve on committees that seek to eliminate discrimination of women. 

     The U.N. regularly votes against Israel, a liberal democracy. (Would Satan have a hand in this?) 

     The 2030 agenda has repressed the natural economic process, preventing third world nations from using their own resources. They require nations to commit resources they don't have...develop programs they don't need...and make them perpetual debtors to the agenda of global elites. (So said Javiar Milei, president of Argentina.) 

     Zero emission policies harm poor countries. Permanent members of the Security Council veto decisions based not on merit but on whose interests are involved. 

What's this?

Midday Tuesday ... U.N. member Iran is shelling the entirety of U.N. member Israel. Do they know that thousands of Israelites are not Jewish? What if a stray Muslim-Iran missile struck the Muslim temple on the historic temple mount in Jerusalem? 

Meanwhile, U.N. member Russia continues its assault on U.N. member Ukraine, with over 300,000 deaths so far. The U.N. is powerless to solve global conflict, Milei said. 

     We'll get back to his speech tomorrow.

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