Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Behind the Politics

     Part 2

     "In the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton spoke of Trump supporters as a 'basket of deplorables' (working-class Americans). In her own book, she defended her comments by citing J.D. Vance and Hillbilly Elegy and his description of 'a culture of victimhood, grievance and scapegoating.' 

     "It is now clear that literary and social elites loved his book, or said they did. That was then. 

     "Somehow, readers eventually caught on that Vance was making some transparently conservative arguments, ground in conservative principles, including the importance of family, strong work ethic, and binding morality. 

     "Did they miss the fact that the original text on the book jacket mentioned that Vance sometimes wrote for National Review

     "Liberal hate the book. They are turning on Vance with unusual passion. That's to be expected in politics, but Hillbilly Elegy reminds us that what's behind the politics is infinitely more important."

  by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

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