Friday, April 26, 2024

Western Civilization - part 3

     "Some stores people need are closing because confronting shoplifters would be - you know - disproportionate. Historic Macy's in New York City was sued because they were 'racist' in their response to shoplifters."

     "Even colorblind technology is racist. Speeding and red-light cameras disproportionately identify a certain race. Throw out the cameras."

     "The result of this has been widespread urban anarchy. Thousands more black lives have been lost to drive-by shootings. Dozens of black children have been fatally gunned down. No one says the names of the assailants, because they were not police or white supremacists. They were other blacks."

Uncomfortable facts

     "The racial (imbalance) across a range of meritocratic fields is the academic skills gap. The racial (imbalance) in the criminal justice system is the crime gap. If we cannot acknowledge the skills gap and the behavior gap, we are going to continue destroying our civilizational legacy."

     "Thousands within underperforming groups out-perform those in their own group and great numbers of people within other groups as well. Politicians and others vilify Americans as racist, without considering why disparities exist and how to close them."

Jimmy's story 

     In the 1980s I was the human resources guy in a Westinghouse office of 100+ engineers, clerical and managers. Every year I had to complete a government report about our percentage of whites and non-whites, and I think men & women also. 

     We had a married couple from India in sales engineering. But no black engineers. Those qualified to work for us were more interested in stimulating occupations - not designing electric transformers. How dull! 

     Before my time, after Pearl Harbor, American & Hawaiian Japanese were isolated - no day in court. Westinghouse had a Japanese American engineer in its large transformer plant. Management came to his defense and prevailed. I met him years later. They could have thrived without him, but he deserved his liberty.  

 Tomorrow: Diversity or meritocracy

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