Saturday, April 13, 2024

Conclusion of the Matter  

     Solomon, David's son, spent his life searching for meaning and significance. He concludes that life is wrapped up in "fearing God." 

     "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all." 

     King David himself wrote, "He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God." 

     And Joshua, "Fear the Lord; serve Him in sincerity and in truth..."

     From our book: "Times of spectacular spiritual revival have always been sparked by a renewal of the fear of God. The first Great Awakening brought a sense of terror over the audiences." 

      A Methodist evangelist wrote, "It seems as if many more sinners are moved by fear than love." An author wrote, "...the fear of God was so powerful that whole communities came to Christ. Hardened men began weeping. Miracles occurred. Addicts were made clean, homes were restored, and local crime was all but wiped out." 

     "Today (this, written in 2013), as a culture we have no fear of God. We see no miracles. We see addictions, broken homes, and rampant crime. The road to love leads through the fear of God." 

     "I am thankful that my God is a fearsome God. My love for Him is all the deeper for the fear that his love has answered. The storm rages, but I am safe and secure. I love my God. And I fear Him. I love him because I fear him." - Dr. David Jeremiah


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