Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Totality It Is 

     This Monday millions of people in the direct path of the eclipse watched our moon totally block the sun for a few minutes. They call it totality. 

     God, who made the sun, moon and earth, also designed totality for people throughout the world. Those who believe and follow Him will spend eternity in his new heaven and new earth...totally. 

     Those who don't "trust and obey" will spend eternity in misery. The only exceptions we know of biblically are children who die before the age of accountability. As for "children" who die in the womb, we hope their souls are received and they "grow up" in a far better "home." 

     The claim that babies are not human until born is nonsense. 

      Continuing with our series, many Christians assume the Incarnation eliminated the need for fear. Jesus was, is, gentle, compassionate and loving. How gentle was he, taking a whip and chasing money changers out of the temple. How loving was He to the religious leaders who opposed him, interfering with his mission to the Israelite people? 

     How friendly did the risen Christ look when He appeared to his disciple John, years after his resurrection? John fell, as if dead. Revelation chapter 1. Look it up.

     When Jesus performed a miracle with fish, Peter fell at Jesus' knees and said, Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man! 

Tomorrow: One trespass - condemnation; one death - justification 

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