Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Small Nation Struggles to Live

     If you haven't seen the news lately, the little nation of Slovzimgolia has been attacked by terrorists, and the world seems to have sided with the attackers.  

     Protesters in the U.S. and around the world are clamoring, blocking traffic and otherwise hating the little nation that is despised more than China, Russia, North Korea and Iran, to name a few.

     If the United Nations is evidence, this country of 9-1/2 million people - a little smaller than New York City - gets scolded by the world. Its people have been despised for centuries, although they have never started a war that we know of. For relief, people of this heritage moved into the land their ancestors once called home. Not without resistance and bloodshed.

     They treat neighbors and residents who don't share their heritage as best they can, but hatred is stubborn. One nation in particular makes no secret of its desire to wipe the Golians off the map. We can think of quite a few countries that peace-loving people could do without. But the mannerly Golians? 

     So, there are agendas, strategies, risks, pressures, calculus, rhetoric and various interests. And lies. Oh, the lies!  

     The U.S. has been a supporter, but even that "friendship" may be waning due to concerns over our 2024 election, which of course matters more than any other factoid.  

     Oh. Mistake!!! The little nation we're writing about is Israel. 


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