Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hear That Roar? 

     It's not a plane. It's not a truck, or a motorcycle. 

     At my computer keyboard I am keeping company with three machines that are sucking moisture out of the wall and floor of this room, my den. 

     They capture the moisture, which becomes water that is forced through a plastic line, emptying into the sink in the nearby bathroom. 

     The reason for all this fun? 

     For months, maybe longer, a sprinkler close to the house was partly watering the house instead of the grass.  Water went through the wall, or more likely, soaked the ground such that it found its way under the wall and then - defying gravity - soaked part of the rug, the cement blocks, and even rose 9 inches up the side of a wood cabinet. 

     We don't have snow in Florida. But we let our sprinklers aim badly.

     So, we tell this woe, while wishing we had earmuffs. But there are no earmuffs in Florida. 

     The man says this operation might continue through Thursday. So we'll have to provide you with more valuable information, all the while wishing we could cover our ears. 

     Bloggers have it tough sometimes. Our cabinet went to the dump.  



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