Sunday, April 14, 2024

Do We Wanna Go Back?

     Lately, yours truly has been reminiscing about school days. How different ... the 1950s. And safe, at least for whites. The years between our wars and rioting of the 1960s were without fear, at least in our small town. 

     We could be somewhere half the day without Mom and Dad knowing where "somewhere" was. We knew to show up for dinner at 5 O'clock, without cell phones. There was school, church, band practice, Boy Scouts, pick-up ball games, and drive-ins (okay: Indians were not portrayed fairly) and more. My only fear was our algebra teacher. 

     The folks didn't have a TV until after I left for college, and it was black 'n white at that. CBS, NBC and ABC newscasts were 30 minutes, and there was little if any talk of misinformation. Comedy was rich. 

     Parents were of the "greatest generation." They didn't hover over us, nor did they need to. Divorce was rare. Newborns were celebrated. 

     I could live happily without Alexa, Zoom and everything in between. It's called the "joy of the Lord."

     Okay. Cell phones are handy. Computers can be used for blogging ... so they say. 😏 Advances in communications, healthcare, travel and so much more make us rich. Are we happier than Americans in the 1950s, who were not rich?  

     The gradual elimination of prayer in schools etc. has been good - for people here and around the world who desire to be master of all of us.

     Kids can be sent to all kinds of lessons, sports, classes, therapists, etc. But is there time to be kids?   

     Now this: No matter our culture, the Bible says our lives are just a moment in time. Far more important: getting right with the Savior is our most critical decision. When our moment is up, our souls are welcomed in heaven, or banished to the fiery place called hell. There is no evidence to refute that biblical fact. 


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