Thursday, April 25, 2024

Western Civilization - part 2

      "After the George Floyd race riots of 2020" institutions from big law, big business and big finance adopted the racial discrimination theme. Even museums and orchestras. 

     "The fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are all in. The American Medical Association insists that medicine is characterized by white supremacy. Nature magazine and the Smithsonian Institution" denounce "totalitarian whiteness." 

     "Disparate impact analysis ... replaces meritocracy. Hospitals choosing residents can no longer distinguish between high and low achieving students. A quarter of the questions on the Medical College Achievement Test (include) focus on social issues and psychology. Heads of medical schools and departments are being selected on the basis of identity, not knowledge." 

"What is at stake?" she asks. "Future medical progress and ultimately, lives. President Biden announced he would no longer submit judicial nominees to the Bar Assocation for a preliminary rating. That would be incompatible with the 'diversification' of the judiciary. State bar associations are also watering down standards." 

     "If you wonder why police officers are not making certain arrests, or why district attorneys are not prosecuting categories of crimes ... it is because (that would) have a disparate impact on black criminals."

 Tomorrow: Uncomfortable facts 

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