Thursday, April 4, 2024

Secret of Living a Good Life

     And more.

     We're beginning a new series Friday evening on Views. Of all we have written over our 11 years here, this must be the most challenging, the most helpful, and the most serious. 

     Moses used this four-letter word. Early kings of Israel were required to live it. It was among King David's last words. And his son Solomon, after a lifetime of experimentation, called this word his "conclusion" about life.

     Living this word leads God to provide: 

provision, protection, purity, prosperity, prolonged days, 

privilege and perpetuity (the state of lasting forever). 

Yes, every promise begins with p.

     What we do with this word is most important in our relationship with God. Understanding protects us from falsehood. It appears in both testaments of the Bible, about 65 times. 

     If you are a Christian, you may wonder why you haven't heard this before. Why isn't it emphasized in most churches as in former days? 

     If you are not a believer, we invite you to read along. This is so instructive your heart and mind just might be curious. 



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