Thursday, April 18, 2024

Busy Busy 

     Thursday began with breakfast and devotions, then hours with my wife helping her sister, followed by a couple hours trimming shrubs for tonight's garbage, and finally an HOA board meeting. 

     How's a guy, somewhat tired, supposed to deliver a worthy blog for his readers? 

     Thanks to a magazine's "quotables," we have this to offer:

"Only God can change this place because from where I'm sitting, I can't see where any other change is coming from." 

     - Farah Oxima, a displaced Port-au-Prince, Haiti resident. 

"I'm here at this healthcare clinic to uplift the work that is happening in Minnesota as an example of what true leadership looks like." 

     - Vice President Kamala Harris during a March visit to a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Minnesota. Yeah. Healthcare. 

"I'd like to thank my veterinarian - I mean wife, Susan Downey. She found me a snarling rescue pet and loved me back to life." 

     - Robert Downey Jr., best supporting actor at the Academy Awards.

More Crime, Less Punishment...starts tomorrow


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