Sunday, October 1, 2023

 We think the message in a short video is worthy of stealing for this blog. There is a tiger a donkey and a lion, the king of the jungle. We didn't capture a few words exactly, but here goes:

     The tiger says grass is green, but the donkey says it's blue. When they take their argument before the lion, the king sides with the donkey and punishes the tiger with five years of silence. 

     The tiger asks the lion why. The lion affirmed that grass is green. He said, "this has nothing to do with the question of blue or green. The punishment is because it is not honorable for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey and bothering me with that."

     "It is a waste of time arguing with a fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, only victory of his beliefs and illusions. No matter how much evidence one provides, he has not the capacity to understand. Others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment. All they want is to be right, even if they are not." 

You know who the donkey is

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