Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 No More! 

     What could possibly break the staunch unity of our Democrat progressives/Marxists? The barbaric Hamas raid on Israeli citizens did the trick.  

     If we didn't hear the clarion call for truth before now, it's ringing. When Israelis say the holocaust was not as cruel as what they're facing now, "Washington, we/they have a problem." 

     Truth. This didn't begin as a war between armies. It was and remains an assault primarily on civilians. Despite the president's low opinion on Israel's right to exist, he has to back them - with an election coming up. He also appeals to his base, reminding Israelis to "obey the laws of war." Obama had to join the chorus, like, be nice to the enemy.  

     Truth. Israel turned Gaza over to Palestinians as "a humanitarian gesture." Today they attempt to spare citizens who live on the battleground. A friend who recently moved to Israel provided this:

     Truth. Israel gives Gaza free desalinated water, fuel and electricity. 

     Truth. With $2 billion in annual international aid, Gaza could have built desalination plants, solar energy fields, grown crops and food, and infrastructure. 

     Truth. The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their families live in other countries, with wealth provided by aid meant for Gaza.  

     Falsehood. Thousands of deceived American college students and others are demonstrating against Israel. Let's not think all the trouble is "over there." Who knows what terrorists have crossed our border under the Marxists' failure to protect our country? 

     So Israel says, "No more!" And Hamas leaks out a few hostages to buy time, for what?



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