Wednesday, October 25, 2023

To Request or Demand

     Some of the psalms in the Old Testament are " imprecatory." This means requesting or demanding something of God. 

     In psalm 35, written by David, he prays that God will bring judgment on the enemies of his people and overthrow the wicked. Our (Christian) commentary says, "although believers are to forgive their enemies, and pray for their salvation, a time comes when we must pray for evil to cease and for justice to be done for the innocent." 

     This seems to be one of those times. "We should be vitally concerned for the victims of cruelty, oppression and evil." Those in the Middle East and around the world supporting Hamas are siding with evil, knowing or not. 

(1) "Believers have a right to pray for God's protection from evil." 

(2) "They appeal to God to administer justice and to send penalties on the wicked that are commensurate with their crime." Deut. 25:1-3, Rom. 13:3-4 

(3) "The psalmist does not take vengeance into his own hands but commits it to God." Deut. 32:35, Prov. 20:22 

(4) "When sin reaches its full measure, the Lord in his righteousness does judge and destroy." Gen. 15:16, Lev. 18:14, Rev. 6:10, 17

(5) "These prayers are inspired by the Holy Spirit, not just an expression of the psalmist's human desire." 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21 

(6) "The ultimate goal is to see injustice and cruelty come to an end, evil destroyed, Satan defeated, godliness exalted, righteousness established, and God's kingdom realized." Luke 18:7, Rev. 6:9-10 

(7) "Believers must keep two Biblical principles in balance: (a) the desire to see all people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and (b) the desire to see evil destroyed and God's kingdom victorious." 2 Peter 3:9, Rev. 6:10, 17, 19-21 



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