Tuesday, October 10, 2023

As the World Churns 

     Let's go back to January 2021. The "donkeys" rose to power. 

1    Day 1. Stop!!! building the border wall. 

2    Putin - began surrounding Ukraine. Silence. Then he began a war, targeting families and school children.

   Biden wanted out of Afghanistan. Who didn't? But the way they went about it, friends, Americans and $ billions in military equipment were left behind. Women who had freedom to attend school were sent back to their homes. 

4    No warning. Hamas radicals penetrated Israel's border, decapitating babies and otherwise killing civilians, and taking hostages. Some Americans, Germans and other Europeans are among the victims. These are the inhumane who use citizens of Gaza as shields when they are confronted by their enemies. They claim to worship "Ala, God, while Israelis and Americans are slaves to Satan." Reports say Iran financed and trained them. The White House says, "There is no evidence -yet - that Iran led this." Maybe Iran's happy congratulations to Hamas might be a clue. Of course, people close to our administration are chummy with Iran. 

     What's next? Oh, yeah. Go back to point 1. 


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