Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Liberty We Know 

             or knew?  

1. Where do we find the words, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof?" 

2. Who wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident...?" 

3. Jefferson wrote of certain "unalienable rights." What are they? 

4. In what document did he write about rights and truths? 

5. Where did patriots say all men get inalienable rights?

6. Precisely what happened on July 4, 1776?

7. What do the stripes on the U.S. flag represent? 

8. What is the "supreme law" and how can it be revoked? 

9. Where did the British surrender? 

10. Who were the first three presidents?  


1. On the Liberty bell, taken from the book of Leviticus 

2. Thomas Jefferson 

3. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

4. Declaration of Independence 

5. God

6. The Declaration of Independence was adopted officially by the 56 representatives of the Second Continental Congress. 

7. The first 13 states

8. The Constitution, which cannot be revoked

9. Yorktown, Viriginia, October 19, 1781

10. Washington, Adams and Jefferson, the latter two having signed the Declaration of Independence.  

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