Monday, October 30, 2023

Scientism Meets its Match

     Science After Babel is a new book by David Berlinski, an outspoken critic of Darwinian theory. 

     "Until recently, Science was confident of reaching god-like status with its materialist understanding of Everything," writes Janie B. Cheaney. "But developments such as algorithms and quantum theory have gone in divergent directions."

     In his book, Berlinski writes, "Some parts of the tower are sound and sturdy, but, my goodness, the balustrade (a row of columns topped by a rail) devoted to the multiverse - what were they thinking?" 

     "Science explains natural phenomena. Scientism bumps up hard against realities it can't fully comprehend." 

     "Three is the number of the Trinity, and the number also, at which the universe ceases to be computable." 

But God

     Cheaney concludes: "There remains, at the heart of the universe, the profound mystery of life itself: 'a kind of intelligence evident nowhere else,' whose 'fantastic and controlled complexity, its brilliant inventiveness and diversity, its sheer difference from anything else in this or any other world' is beyond the reach of science." 

WORLD magazine

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