Monday, October 9, 2023

Here's an Idea 

     Democrats and Republicans blabber back and forth, as if their talk makes any difference.     

     Since the 1930s when Hitler kicked Marxists out of Germany, and the survivors came to America to try their luck, their power has steadily grown. They influenced FDR, and Dems now have enormous clout in politics, universities and other organizations. FDR.

     Offspring of the 1930s communists are working behind the scenes in Biden's party. 

     The American version will fail as did others who have been there, done that. Communist China's financial success is due to their version of capitalism and control of whatever they can own, in any other country.   

     To the GOP we say, forget "Democrats" and call them what they are, communists or Marxists. "Left wing," "hard left," "socialists," "progressives," don't cut it. Not every Democrat is a communist, but they no longer have a voice. Just a seat. The two groups need each other.

     Watch them howl. And watch open minded Americans wake up. 

     Is calling them what they are disrespectful? Do we want to be reasonably free or not? I decided this needs to be said, though "go along to get along" politicians will never do it. Israel is in a war. We are in a political war, and losing.  




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