Monday, October 23, 2023

A Prophecy of Judgment      

     This month we've seen horrible terrorism against Israeli women and children...and men. 

     In Isaiah chapter 13, written in 700-680 B.C., we read, "terror will seize them...every man's heart will melt...pain and anguish will grip them...a cruel day with wrath and fierce anger...their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes...their houses will be looted...and their wives ravished...they will have no mercy on infants...nor will they look with compassion on children."  

     Did God give Isaiah a preview of October 2023? 

     This chapter is titled A Prophecy Against Babylon. Isaiah chapters 13 to 23 are future judgments on foreign nations and on apostate Jerusalem, says our commentary. Isaiah includes Babylon, Assyria and also smaller nations. 

     Commentary: These chapters teach that all nations and peoples are accountable to God. Those who oppose him and his divine plan of salvation will be judged and destroyed. Those who believe in him will ultimately triumph. 

     In the New Testament, Babylon symbolizes the world's religious and political center in opposition to God. 

     Isaiah chapter 13 describes the horrors of the coming tribulation. 

     Today, we may be witnessing a preview.   


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