Thursday, October 26, 2023

Can You Number the Cells?

     How many cells are really in the human body? 

     An international team of researchers studied data from over 1,500 papers to evaluate the size and number of 400 cell types, including muscle, nerve, and immune cells.

     Their conclusion:

     The average adult male has 36 trillion cells. The average adult female has 28 trillion. A child aged 10 has about 17 trillion cells. 

     Scientists published their work September 18 in PNAS.  

     They may or may not attribute our awesome make up to the Creator. I'll do it for them. How could chance ever result in human life, no matter how many years have gone by? Not to mention thousands of creatures, land, air and sea, which share life on our globe.

     Now I have something with which to tease Mrs. Donut...when the news gets better. How foolish Israel's enemies, who know not their Maker!  



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