Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bad Morning!

Update: Saturday 8:30 pm our time.

We heard from our friends in Israel. They emailed:

"Siren went off at 0600 Saturday morning. We went to the shelter.

There is an iron dome that we can see...taking out missiles with residuals falling.

We are fine."

     Decades ago, Mrs. Donut and another woman enjoyed friendship with a Jewish co-worker, in Pittsburgh. After we moved to South Carolina for work, and eventually to Florida, the "girls" maintained contact all these years, mostly by phone. 

     Her husband and I had little contact until recently. Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't send me an email, sometimes Jewish commentary, usually more about American politics. 

     The Jewish Sabbath is on. They don't use their phones today. 

     Otherwise, we could call them. 

     Our friends left their lifelong Pittsburgh community last month and moved to Israel, near Jerusalem. Their two sons and families have lived there for years. 

     They hope the Messiah will come to Jerusalem during their lifetimes. 

     We do too, though our Bible has a different version of events.

     Israel's enemies led by Iran are at it again. Again, we pray for Israelis, this time with personal interest. 




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