Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Changing Colors 

     What scares us most? Anti-Israel and anti-American people occupying seats in our government, and our president flying to Israel in wartime? To do what? 

     In his new book, Mark Levin writes, "...race and racism have been hideous weapons of the Democrat Party's pursuit of power from its earliest days. 

     "Capitalism and constitutionalism, with emphasis on the individual and freedom, as well as limitations on central planning and social engineering have been inconvenient obstacles to the Democrat Party for its entire existence." 

      The party, Levin says, has rejected not only capitalism but the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It has abandoned the civil rights movement for civil rights Marxism, and anti-black racism for anti-white racism. 

     "This," writes Levin, "is the thread that ties the old, anti-black Democrat Party of Woodrow Wilson to the current anti-white Democrat Party of Joe Biden."

     Biden, he says, is the evidence before our eyes that the party has abandon capitalism for economic socialism.

     Our president repeatedly uses anti-white racism to attack political opponents, promote his radical domestic agenda, and "curry favor with growing Marxist elements." He "positions himself as a savior of American democracy, standing against white supremacy."

     In 2020 Biden campaigned at an event hosted by anti-Semitic Al Sharpton. He does not want Israel's survival. He has opposed it for decades. Is he friendly to Israel only until all Americans (voters) are safely rescued? Meanwhile, the Democrats have an unexplained investment in Iran, the head of the snake. 

    Stay tuned.


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