Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Take me out to the ball game

     About 55 years ago, living in Toledo, I drove with my boss up to 
Detroit for a baseball game. My convertible sports car seemed pretty snazzy at the time. 

     We parked on a street near the stadium, greeted by city kids telling us someone will steal my tires. Don had heard of such things. 

     They're stealing more than tires in Oakland, California's version of Detroit. More than 200 businesses have gone on a temporary strike, saying crime threatens their existence. 

     Restaurant customers weigh going out to dinner against the risk of getting their vehicle broken into. Countless businesses have closed. 

     That is happening in many blue (Democrat) cities. Shoplifting is up all over America resulting in theft or damage. 

     No use providing figures. They say crime is severely underreported. Reporting takes time, and the police are unlikely to come. Owners also fear their insurance may be canceled. Okay. A figure. In 2022, losses came to $112.1 billion. Reported.

     Many say the responsibility belongs to local government, an "institutional competency that isn't always there." 

     There are answers: more police on the street, safer places for customers to park, more security cameras and more investment in job training. But don't look for blue cities to do any of that. They are patiently waiting for Marxism to take hold. Then! We will see police on the streets...lots of them.

     I don't remember who won the ball game, but Don and I found our car untouched, and we gratefully stole out of Detroit. 



Monday, October 30, 2023

Scientism Meets its Match

     Science After Babel is a new book by David Berlinski, an outspoken critic of Darwinian theory. 

     "Until recently, Science was confident of reaching god-like status with its materialist understanding of Everything," writes Janie B. Cheaney. "But developments such as algorithms and quantum theory have gone in divergent directions."

     In his book, Berlinski writes, "Some parts of the tower are sound and sturdy, but, my goodness, the balustrade (a row of columns topped by a rail) devoted to the multiverse - what were they thinking?" 

     "Science explains natural phenomena. Scientism bumps up hard against realities it can't fully comprehend." 

     "Three is the number of the Trinity, and the number also, at which the universe ceases to be computable." 

But God

     Cheaney concludes: "There remains, at the heart of the universe, the profound mystery of life itself: 'a kind of intelligence evident nowhere else,' whose 'fantastic and controlled complexity, its brilliant inventiveness and diversity, its sheer difference from anything else in this or any other world' is beyond the reach of science." 

WORLD magazine

Sunday, October 29, 2023

While the World Series plays on

A Most Valuable Player

     As a young person during the 1960s, a fan of the Indians and hater of the Yankees, I had no love for Bobby Richardson, Elston Howard, Tony Kubek and superstar Mickey Mantle. Those players and other Yankees "owned" the Indians. 

     As a Christian, or at least church attender, I should have appreciated the "damn Yankees." 

     One Sunday morning, game day, Richardson took the above teammates to church. Mantle, a heavy drinker, was barely interested at the time, but accepted Christ before dying from liver failure in 1995. 

     Team broadcaster Red Barber suggested having devotions in the clubhouse. That was the start of Baseball Chapel, which now provides non-denominational chaplains to baseball teams at all levels. The ministry eventually became a model for Christian outreach in other sports. 

     Richardson helped organize a league-wide chapel service. Over time, they added weekly prayer services and Bible studies. The international organization now ministers to players' families and the umpires, and to Spanish-speaking players. 

     The organization today disciples minor league players. "You move up, so there are a lot more Christians in baseball now." Richardson also served on the board for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which can still get in any high school. 

     Richardson had eight All-Star Game appearances, five Gold Glove Awards, and three World Series rings in 12 years. He was voted Most Valuable Player of the 1960 World Series, even though the Pirates won the series. He coached the University of South Carolina team for seven years. 

     He and his wife Betsy, of 67 years, have five children who have given them 18 grandchildren and 18 greats. Two sons are pastors, and their daughters served as foreign missionaries. 

    A monument at his Sports Complex in Sumter, SC includes an engraved verse: Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures." 

     I have forgiven Bobby Richardson and all his Yankee teammates for my years of suffering. 



Saturday, October 28, 2023

Returning to Belief

...in the spirit world

     Despite the decline in church membership (in the northern hemisphere), and a rise in materialism, mankind may be returning to belief. "The book of Revelation, once sidelined, is looking pretty relevant," writes Andree Seu Peterson in WORLD magazine. 

     "There is more to life than rationalism. It is the atheist who now looks passe," she says. 

     We're (individuals) told not to wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms Ephesians 6:12. 

     Peter writes, our enemy the devil prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 1 Peter 5:8. The human race can entertain angels (demons) unawares Hebrews 13:2. Paul warned, I do not want you to have fellowship with demons 1 Corinthians 10:20.

     Peterson says, "The godly and the wicked dwell side by side in churches, towns and neighborhoods. But at the end of time Jesus appears as Judge of all, placing the sheep on his right and the goats on his left" Matthew 25:31-33. 

     "While our days grow darker, the light shines brighter. And the whole creation, groaning with labor pains, waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons (believers) of God Romans 8:19. 


     These verses were written to Christians (individuals), not to the nation of Israel, which unfortunately has to wrestle against flesh and blood.




Friday, October 27, 2023

Mexico and Migrants

     The U.S. finished its fiscal year having welcomed enough migrants to equal the population of four states.

     If there is any good news, the Mexican government will start deporting migrants now in its northern border cities to their home countries. This agreement was reached by Mexican and American officials on Sept. 22.

     Illegal crossings into the U.S. have surged in recent weeks. Last month, the U.S. Border Patrol officers apprehended over, 8,000 people in one day. If that happened every day in one year, the total would be 2,920,000. 

     Mexico will negotiate with the governments of Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Colombia and Cuba to return migrants. The agreement also includes increased check points and patrols on Mexico's rail systems. It partly shut down in September due to unsafe numbers of migrants hitching rides. 

     This is not the first time Mexico has increased its border enforcement to help the U.S. In 2019, Mexico deployed almost 15,000 troops to deter crossings. 

     Our take: Maybe the Biden Administration needs to ease the flood of immigrants, bad guys and killer drugs leading up to the 2024 election.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Can You Number the Cells?

     How many cells are really in the human body? 

     An international team of researchers studied data from over 1,500 papers to evaluate the size and number of 400 cell types, including muscle, nerve, and immune cells.

     Their conclusion:

     The average adult male has 36 trillion cells. The average adult female has 28 trillion. A child aged 10 has about 17 trillion cells. 

     Scientists published their work September 18 in PNAS.  

     They may or may not attribute our awesome make up to the Creator. I'll do it for them. How could chance ever result in human life, no matter how many years have gone by? Not to mention thousands of creatures, land, air and sea, which share life on our globe.

     Now I have something with which to tease Mrs. Donut...when the news gets better. How foolish Israel's enemies, who know not their Maker!  



Wednesday, October 25, 2023

To Request or Demand

     Some of the psalms in the Old Testament are " imprecatory." This means requesting or demanding something of God. 

     In psalm 35, written by David, he prays that God will bring judgment on the enemies of his people and overthrow the wicked. Our (Christian) commentary says, "although believers are to forgive their enemies, and pray for their salvation, a time comes when we must pray for evil to cease and for justice to be done for the innocent." 

     This seems to be one of those times. "We should be vitally concerned for the victims of cruelty, oppression and evil." Those in the Middle East and around the world supporting Hamas are siding with evil, knowing or not. 

(1) "Believers have a right to pray for God's protection from evil." 

(2) "They appeal to God to administer justice and to send penalties on the wicked that are commensurate with their crime." Deut. 25:1-3, Rom. 13:3-4 

(3) "The psalmist does not take vengeance into his own hands but commits it to God." Deut. 32:35, Prov. 20:22 

(4) "When sin reaches its full measure, the Lord in his righteousness does judge and destroy." Gen. 15:16, Lev. 18:14, Rev. 6:10, 17

(5) "These prayers are inspired by the Holy Spirit, not just an expression of the psalmist's human desire." 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21 

(6) "The ultimate goal is to see injustice and cruelty come to an end, evil destroyed, Satan defeated, godliness exalted, righteousness established, and God's kingdom realized." Luke 18:7, Rev. 6:9-10 

(7) "Believers must keep two Biblical principles in balance: (a) the desire to see all people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and (b) the desire to see evil destroyed and God's kingdom victorious." 2 Peter 3:9, Rev. 6:10, 17, 19-21 



Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 No More! 

     What could possibly break the staunch unity of our Democrat progressives/Marxists? The barbaric Hamas raid on Israeli citizens did the trick.  

     If we didn't hear the clarion call for truth before now, it's ringing. When Israelis say the holocaust was not as cruel as what they're facing now, "Washington, we/they have a problem." 

     Truth. This didn't begin as a war between armies. It was and remains an assault primarily on civilians. Despite the president's low opinion on Israel's right to exist, he has to back them - with an election coming up. He also appeals to his base, reminding Israelis to "obey the laws of war." Obama had to join the chorus, like, be nice to the enemy.  

     Truth. Israel turned Gaza over to Palestinians as "a humanitarian gesture." Today they attempt to spare citizens who live on the battleground. A friend who recently moved to Israel provided this:

     Truth. Israel gives Gaza free desalinated water, fuel and electricity. 

     Truth. With $2 billion in annual international aid, Gaza could have built desalination plants, solar energy fields, grown crops and food, and infrastructure. 

     Truth. The leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their families live in other countries, with wealth provided by aid meant for Gaza.  

     Falsehood. Thousands of deceived American college students and others are demonstrating against Israel. Let's not think all the trouble is "over there." Who knows what terrorists have crossed our border under the Marxists' failure to protect our country? 

     So Israel says, "No more!" And Hamas leaks out a few hostages to buy time, for what?



Monday, October 23, 2023

A Prophecy of Judgment      

     This month we've seen horrible terrorism against Israeli women and children...and men. 

     In Isaiah chapter 13, written in 700-680 B.C., we read, "terror will seize them...every man's heart will melt...pain and anguish will grip them...a cruel day with wrath and fierce anger...their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes...their houses will be looted...and their wives ravished...they will have no mercy on infants...nor will they look with compassion on children."  

     Did God give Isaiah a preview of October 2023? 

     This chapter is titled A Prophecy Against Babylon. Isaiah chapters 13 to 23 are future judgments on foreign nations and on apostate Jerusalem, says our commentary. Isaiah includes Babylon, Assyria and also smaller nations. 

     Commentary: These chapters teach that all nations and peoples are accountable to God. Those who oppose him and his divine plan of salvation will be judged and destroyed. Those who believe in him will ultimately triumph. 

     In the New Testament, Babylon symbolizes the world's religious and political center in opposition to God. 

     Isaiah chapter 13 describes the horrors of the coming tribulation. 

     Today, we may be witnessing a preview.   


Saturday, October 21, 2023

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, "Let us make man ... and let them rule over ... all the earth." 

Any questions?

Friday, October 20, 2023

While Israelites stop daily living to assure future living... 

From our book...

     "Every weather event or natural disaster is attributed to 'climate change,' which is said to require major changes in the quality of life, a reduction in economic growth and prosperity, increased taxation and regulation, the surrender of national sovereignty to international governing, etc. 

     "Every household product, from gas stoves, lightbulbs, dishwashers, air conditioners, washing machines, automobiles and anything that uses energy, is now subject to government control. 

     "And since time is said to be urgent ... to save the future of humanity ... there is no time for reflection, circumspection or scientific evaluation and the direction in which the nation is being forcibly plunged. 

     "Climate change is a politically and economically driven movement within the American Marxist framework that empowers the Democrat Party's ability to control the behavior of the people."


Thursday, October 19, 2023

A View on Crisis in Israel (and Gaza) 

    All that Views by the Sea knows is that people of different faiths are at war, and various people on their continent and ours disagree on who are the good guys and who are not. Random protests may result in harm to people seven time zones away from the scene. 

     How to respond, particularly from a Biblical worldview?

     Cissie Graham Lynch (billygraham organization) interviewed Skip Heitzig, pastor of Calvary Chapel in Albuquerque, seeking to understand what's happening and how to respond, particularly from a Biblical worldview.

His view: "When it comes to Israel, there's a promise in the Old Testament. 'If the sun ceases to shine and the moon ceases to shine, only then will my covenant be broken.' (Jeremiah 31:35-37)

     "It's a way of saying, 'My covenant is permanent, eternal and not dependent on their faithfulness.' 

     "The world's going to get darker," Heitzig said. He challenges believers to see this as a 'wake-up-call' to get right with God and to stand firm in their faith." 


     In the book of Revelation - believe it or not - Israel's enemies will never quit. They are under the influence of Satan and other "fallen angels" God evicted from heaven. This is not about Palestinians. It's a spiritual war against God, dating to Adam. Satan would have no Israelites to welcome the Messiah...who will descend with his armies and rule the world from Jerusalem. 

     We just don't know when.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Changing Colors 

     What scares us most? Anti-Israel and anti-American people occupying seats in our government, and our president flying to Israel in wartime? To do what? 

     In his new book, Mark Levin writes, "...race and racism have been hideous weapons of the Democrat Party's pursuit of power from its earliest days. 

     "Capitalism and constitutionalism, with emphasis on the individual and freedom, as well as limitations on central planning and social engineering have been inconvenient obstacles to the Democrat Party for its entire existence." 

      The party, Levin says, has rejected not only capitalism but the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It has abandoned the civil rights movement for civil rights Marxism, and anti-black racism for anti-white racism. 

     "This," writes Levin, "is the thread that ties the old, anti-black Democrat Party of Woodrow Wilson to the current anti-white Democrat Party of Joe Biden."

     Biden, he says, is the evidence before our eyes that the party has abandon capitalism for economic socialism.

     Our president repeatedly uses anti-white racism to attack political opponents, promote his radical domestic agenda, and "curry favor with growing Marxist elements." He "positions himself as a savior of American democracy, standing against white supremacy."

     In 2020 Biden campaigned at an event hosted by anti-Semitic Al Sharpton. He does not want Israel's survival. He has opposed it for decades. Is he friendly to Israel only until all Americans (voters) are safely rescued? Meanwhile, the Democrats have an unexplained investment in Iran, the head of the snake. 

    Stay tuned.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

We're Onto Them! 

     Thousands of American adults and students are shamefully misled about Hamas and other enemies of Israel. 

     We know that Israel's attackers are wicked mockers, arrogant, deluded, bloodthirsty and deceitful. They are men who hunt down the weak, in schemes they devise, haughty and sure of themselves.

     Their mouths are full of curses and lies and threats. They ambush and murder the innocent, and lie in wait to catch the helpless, dragging them off in their nets. 

     How do we know these things? 

     Truth in the Bible. You find the above descriptions in the first 10 chapters of the Psalms alone, written by David, possibly three millenniums ago. Later, Solomon, David's son:

     "What has been will be again; what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes (qahal) 1:9  

      What about our inventions? We say, what about human nature? 

     Today's spiritual forces of darkness are nothing new...the same attitudes faced by David. Today's Israelites can rely not only on their weapons, but more importantly - if they are believers - on David's prayer:

     "The Lord is King forever and ever; the nations will perish from his land. You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more." - Psalm 10:16-18 


Monday, October 16, 2023

Comments from Israel

     "O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me!" 

     "I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side." 

     "Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit."

     "All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace." 

     "O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me." 

     "Arise O Lord, in your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies."

     "O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure." 

Oh. Did we forget to attribute these quotes 

to David in Israel, many centuries ago?

Commentary: The psalms of lament are calls on God, descriptions of the believer's trouble or injustice, a plea for help. The large number of laments in the Bible indicates that God wants his people to call on him in times of need and troubles. So, Hamas' deceit and terror isn't original, is it? We Americans might want to get our own laments ready. 

Next: Today's enemies - copycats of those in David's time. 



Saturday, October 14, 2023

Victory Out of Defeat 

A Sunday School lesson. Mark chapter 9.

     When we find ourselves defeated, we can turn to God for victory and discover where we went wrong. 

     This is when Jesus told the disciples, If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. If your foot causes you to sin, cut if off. If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. 

     These words always puzzled me. But, I get the message: It is better to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. It is better to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. It is better to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.  

     Mark wrote, "Everyone will be salted with fire." 

     Jesus said, Salt is good (unless it loses its saltiness). 

     I was salted with fire. My children were hurting, and I couldn't do anything about it. I could have gone down any of several destructive roads. Instead, I (a deacon and Sunday School teacher) took the path of prayer, asking, even demanding (be careful) that Jesus explain himself. Night after night after night.  

     He didn't change the circumstance, right then, but after some 10 weeks of fire his Spirit suddenly flooded my soul for three happy weeks. I changed my password to "victory."  


Friday, October 13, 2023

 Instead of a blog today, we want to suggest that you

read the book, "The Democrat Party Hates America,"

by Mark Levin. 

I've read only 60 pages so far, but the history and information

leading to where we are today is excellent. We discover our

today by looking back at yesterday.  

The Democrats dating back to President Wilson have been

a divisive party, with opinions that should never be part

of governance. And they are zeroing in on their Marxist

goals, while Republicans squabble over who will be their

leader in Congress. 


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Electoral Victories

Just a few lines in the book:

The Democrat Party Hates America

     Democrat Party electoral victories further empower the administrative state and its appointed judicial oligarchs, who hold what is as close to permanent governing authority without checks or personal consequence as mankind has ever invented.

     Indeed, the Democrat Party makes the most of its electoral victories, both in its efforts to enshrine electoral changes that advantage it and to strengthen and expand the unelected part of the government that is appended to it.

     Increasingly, Republican Party victories, while deeply troubling and intolerable to Democrat Party officials, are seen as fleeting interludes in the long march to what is effectively the hardening of one-party Democrat control of the government. 

Thinking Through AI 

     Columnist Janie B. Cheaney wrote, "Last November, when OpenAI made its ChatGPT large language model available, the public woke up to a development that's no longer speculation."

     After finding the model missing in originality and creativity, and coming across a few problems, she closed:

     "As a firm believer in clear writing as a cornerstone of clear thinking, I'm not convinced. Every technology takes as well as gives, and it's already too late to debate whether AI is a net benefit to humanity.

     "That train has left the station. Humanity, as always, must struggle with the implications and decide how to respond, or not. 

     "Christians must rethink our calling as culture-makers and culture-redeemers in light of an innovation that could undermine both.

     "'Test the spirits,' warns the apostle in 1 John. For us, it's the spirit of a transhumanist age as flawed as the humans are."

Note: This blog was typed by a human

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

As the World Churns 

     Let's go back to January 2021. The "donkeys" rose to power. 

1    Day 1. Stop!!! building the border wall. 

2    Putin - began surrounding Ukraine. Silence. Then he began a war, targeting families and school children.

   Biden wanted out of Afghanistan. Who didn't? But the way they went about it, friends, Americans and $ billions in military equipment were left behind. Women who had freedom to attend school were sent back to their homes. 

4    No warning. Hamas radicals penetrated Israel's border, decapitating babies and otherwise killing civilians, and taking hostages. Some Americans, Germans and other Europeans are among the victims. These are the inhumane who use citizens of Gaza as shields when they are confronted by their enemies. They claim to worship "Ala, God, while Israelis and Americans are slaves to Satan." Reports say Iran financed and trained them. The White House says, "There is no evidence -yet - that Iran led this." Maybe Iran's happy congratulations to Hamas might be a clue. Of course, people close to our administration are chummy with Iran. 

     What's next? Oh, yeah. Go back to point 1. 


The War Continues 

         ...in the United States

     "I never imagined I would take care of so many children with bullet holes in them."  

     Annie Andrews, a South Carolina pediatrician and gun violence prevention researcher. According to government data, 4,752 children died from gun-related injuries in 2021, the deadliest year on record. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Here's an Idea 

     Democrats and Republicans blabber back and forth, as if their talk makes any difference.     

     Since the 1930s when Hitler kicked Marxists out of Germany, and the survivors came to America to try their luck, their power has steadily grown. They influenced FDR, and Dems now have enormous clout in politics, universities and other organizations. FDR.

     Offspring of the 1930s communists are working behind the scenes in Biden's party. 

     The American version will fail as did others who have been there, done that. Communist China's financial success is due to their version of capitalism and control of whatever they can own, in any other country.   

     To the GOP we say, forget "Democrats" and call them what they are, communists or Marxists. "Left wing," "hard left," "socialists," "progressives," don't cut it. Not every Democrat is a communist, but they no longer have a voice. Just a seat. The two groups need each other.

     Watch them howl. And watch open minded Americans wake up. 

     Is calling them what they are disrespectful? Do we want to be reasonably free or not? I decided this needs to be said, though "go along to get along" politicians will never do it. Israel is in a war. We are in a political war, and losing.  




Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bad Morning!

Update: Saturday 8:30 pm our time.

We heard from our friends in Israel. They emailed:

"Siren went off at 0600 Saturday morning. We went to the shelter.

There is an iron dome that we can see...taking out missiles with residuals falling.

We are fine."

     Decades ago, Mrs. Donut and another woman enjoyed friendship with a Jewish co-worker, in Pittsburgh. After we moved to South Carolina for work, and eventually to Florida, the "girls" maintained contact all these years, mostly by phone. 

     Her husband and I had little contact until recently. Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't send me an email, sometimes Jewish commentary, usually more about American politics. 

     The Jewish Sabbath is on. They don't use their phones today. 

     Otherwise, we could call them. 

     Our friends left their lifelong Pittsburgh community last month and moved to Israel, near Jerusalem. Their two sons and families have lived there for years. 

     They hope the Messiah will come to Jerusalem during their lifetimes. 

     We do too, though our Bible has a different version of events.

     Israel's enemies led by Iran are at it again. Again, we pray for Israelis, this time with personal interest. 




Friday, October 6, 2023

Fish vs. Rattlesnakes? 

     We could have predicted the outcome of the baseball wild-card games this week. 

     The Rays, Marlins and Blue Jays were among the losers, while the Diamondbacks, Rangers and Twins (2 cities) moved on to the next level. Maybe some franchises need to upgrade their names. More power. 

     The Rays led the baseball world in most categories for half the season, but injuries to starting pitchers and the loss of their star shortstop took the "sting" out of their name...I mean game. Still, they finished only three games behind Baltimore, the division champs. 

     But, what the heck. All post-season franchises and their players boosted their bank accounts - the true purpose of expanded playoffs. The World Series won't end until November. 

When Home Isn't 

     People have been on the move since civilization began. We see it in the Old Testament. God had something to do with some of the relocations. Since 1948, many Jews have sought a better life in Israel.

     These days, people fed up with their homes are relocating as best they can to one country to another. Many die trying. 

     Maybe the largest movement is the risky and expensive hike people from many countries take to the "closed" open United States border. This out-of-control march - including evil people and those delivering drugs - remains a story without end. 

     Even within the States, people are fleeing California and various cities like New York for communities that uphold sanity. Texas and Florida are destinations, and the northwestern part of South Carolina is booming. 

     Are we entering the "last days?" 


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Part Two: Stolen Presentation for your Fascination

   If you don't want to stand for the national anthem, give your legs to a veteran who lost his. That way a real man can stand in your place.

   Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That's how gun control works.

   Just got a full tank of gas for $22. Granted, it was for my lawn mower, but I'm trying to stay positive.

   There once was a movie in which only the police and military had guns. It was called "Schindler's List."

   Who else had a "ministry of truth?" Hitler. Goebbels. Stalin. 

   Andy has left Mayberry. Barney is now in charge.

   If kids knew what they wanted to be at age 8, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank goodness nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery - Bill Maher

   We're churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work - Mike Rowe

My parents were part of the "greatest generation." 

Are we now among the worst? That quickly?

Or was it slavery and the Civil War?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Another stolen presentation for your fascination

We don't let athletes bet on games they play. Why do we allow Congress to invest in companies they regulate?

When archeologists find human remains, why do they always determine it is either male or female and none of the modern genders? 

Why does the government say it can't control gasoline prices, but it can fix the weather?

Why must we lower AC usage on hot days so as not to crash the electric grid, while being told to replace our gas cars with electric? 

Why do we reward students who don't honor their commitment by taxing people who do? 

Why are intelligent people silenced so that others won't be offended?

If an 18-year-old isn't mature enough to own a firearm, maybe 8-year-olds aren't mature enough to change their gender. 

Why is talking sexually in the workplace harassment to adults, but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school is essential?

When your electric car runs out of power on the interstate, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity?

Why are we running out of money for Social Security and Medicare but not for welfare, illegals and free college? 

Mice die in traps because they don't know why the cheese is free. The same thing happens with socialism. 

If socialism is so good and capitalism so bad, why aren't the immigrants heading to Venezuela? 

History is not there for us to like or dislike, but to learn from it. If it offends you, even better. You are less likely to repeat it. 



Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Liberty We Know 

             or knew?  

1. Where do we find the words, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof?" 

2. Who wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident...?" 

3. Jefferson wrote of certain "unalienable rights." What are they? 

4. In what document did he write about rights and truths? 

5. Where did patriots say all men get inalienable rights?

6. Precisely what happened on July 4, 1776?

7. What do the stripes on the U.S. flag represent? 

8. What is the "supreme law" and how can it be revoked? 

9. Where did the British surrender? 

10. Who were the first three presidents?  


1. On the Liberty bell, taken from the book of Leviticus 

2. Thomas Jefferson 

3. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

4. Declaration of Independence 

5. God

6. The Declaration of Independence was adopted officially by the 56 representatives of the Second Continental Congress. 

7. The first 13 states

8. The Constitution, which cannot be revoked

9. Yorktown, Viriginia, October 19, 1781

10. Washington, Adams and Jefferson, the latter two having signed the Declaration of Independence.  

Sunday, October 1, 2023

 We think the message in a short video is worthy of stealing for this blog. There is a tiger a donkey and a lion, the king of the jungle. We didn't capture a few words exactly, but here goes:

     The tiger says grass is green, but the donkey says it's blue. When they take their argument before the lion, the king sides with the donkey and punishes the tiger with five years of silence. 

     The tiger asks the lion why. The lion affirmed that grass is green. He said, "this has nothing to do with the question of blue or green. The punishment is because it is not honorable for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey and bothering me with that."

     "It is a waste of time arguing with a fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, only victory of his beliefs and illusions. No matter how much evidence one provides, he has not the capacity to understand. Others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment. All they want is to be right, even if they are not." 

You know who the donkey is