Monday, July 12, 2021

'Who Cares' Mentality   

   Last week wequoted from a booklet owned by my Dad, with views of Marxists and other humanists which he vehemently hated. All that in 1981, and what would he say now? 

   There are other humanist views: progressive history (Democrats anyone?), historicism, and the existential "who cares" historical, drop-out mentality. We try to understand them, rather than just lament, "Don't they know the Truth?" 

   No, they don't. One secular historian said, about the crimes of the human species - why study it? 

   In 1981, millions of Americans disliked history because they saw it as irrelevant. "Today is what counts." They joked, "We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." Bored history students saw their lives as chance evolution.

   "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." Today, they're still with us, and they are in positions of real influence. 

What About Christians?  

   From The American Covenant, 1981, "Many Christians have subconsciously adopted the existential view. They de-emphasize their importance, and see themselves as individuals God plucked out of an evil world and are just awaiting heaven."

   "Their sense of responsibility for the future is lost in the 'now generation,' - nothing to do but work on self improvement. This erases guilt, but does not alleviate responsibility for our nation's crisis," the authors say.

   "It is not the humanists or communists who are responsible for our present (1981) condition, because these people are lost. We should not be surprised. It is the Christian community that has neglected its heritage and forgotten the history - God's history - of America." 

Next: Will Christians denounce the wrong and reaffirm the right?

Landmarks that defy humanists.


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