Friday, July 16, 2021

Our Nutty World

   U.S. military prepares to defend us, and fight to win if necessary. Oh - and every person in uniform must be WOKE, and those who fly planes are busy transporting illegal aliens from Laughlin AFB in Texas to states like Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina...and maybe your state if it's not in our list. 

   When did voters call for this? We must have missed something.  

   We knew BLM founders are Marxist proponents. They just confirmed it by blaming the U.S. embargo for misery among ordinary Cubans, and they praised the communist/tyrannical government. Question: Were Cubans prosperous and free during President Obama's friendship? 

   Meanwhile, Democrats are touting a For the People bill which would give the federal government say over election laws in every state. Dictatorship for the people.

   We Shall Overcome sang 51 minority Texas Democrats after flying to Washington, DC to prevent a quorum to vote on election reforms. Wow. Martin Luther King would be so proud. Texas Republicans want no 24-hour poling places, or drop boxes (which were an exception during the 2020 pandemic), and free access for political poll watchers. Owwww. They would intimidate voters, don't you see? Sen. Any Klobuchar welcomed the "courageous" runaways. Delaware has stricter voting laws, but don't mind them...they aren't a swing state. 

   Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act gives social media platforms the right to regulate or remove content they deem inappropriate. Sounds reasonable. 

   But the companies, run by human beings, ut oh, abuse this privilege by suppressing conservative voices, and violate users’ right to free speech. These are private companies, but a lawsuit claims that they become state actors when they collaborate with public officials.  

   Finally, there were some 93,000 drug overdoses in 2020, with fentanyl the killer in more than 60 percent of the cases.    

   Sorry you read today's Views? We'll make it up to you this weekend. 


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