Thursday, July 1, 2021


   The true nature of a man is how he treats someone who can do him no good. 

   There was an Indiana man of "the greatest generation" who retired to Florida, where we met him in church. Our brother-in-law became best friends with Bob and spoke at his committal service, Tuesday.  

   Keep in mind that you're more interested in what you have to say than anyone else. 

   We were privileged to attend the service, including military honors, in Florida National Cemetery. Bob received four bronze stars during World War II. 

   People, they cause more problems than anybody.

   He returned to Indiana after Thressa died, and at age 95 joined her in glory. We met his son and two daughters, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who traveled here to honor him. 

   Never apologize for being inadequate. If you are inadequate, people will figure it out soon enough.

  You are reading "Daddyisms" that his family included in a summary of his eventful life, along with their touching reflections. 

   God gave us two ears and one mouth, to listen twice as much as we speak. 

   Bob was a licensed minister, church planter, teacher, a licensed electrical contractor, taught electrical engineering at a technical college, and finally, supervised electrical and security divisions at Speedway Petroleum.

   People spend money they don't have, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't like.

   He was president of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship in Muncie, and participated in several mission trips, including Hong Kong. 

   I don't quite understand all that I don't know about that. 

   His son said it takes the whole family even to begin to fill his shoes.

   When we forgive, we free ourselves from the bitter ties that bind us to the one who hurt us. 



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