Friday, July 2, 2021

Dear Senator Manchin,

    You may have a history as a “proud Democrat,” but sir, if you are proud of today’s party, I’ve sadly misunderstood. Radical or self-serving factions within your party – not just politicians – CEOs, professors, news media, etc. - threaten our constitution, its principles and God-centered humanity.

    Marxists who arrived in the 1930s now have a real voice. Defund police? Ignore crime? Riot and burn? Divide and conquer? Squash the middle class? Open our border to every drug and trafficking cartel and who knows what else?  

    For the People legislation. Its very name is suspect. National government has little to no business interfering with state voting laws, imperfect as some may be. When the U.S. has the say over elections, we will become Communist China West. Is that okay?  

    Soldiers risk their lives. Surely you can risk your status to do right, not expedient, not compromised. Declare yourself an independent if you wish.  

    I participated in a "critical race theory" exercise in the 1990s, only I didn’t know then what it was. Hogwash! I was stunned.

    It’s the 4th of July:  God, people, government…in that order.



To my readers: I'm not a "proud" Republican. 

But if our republic survives, it won't be thanks to the Swamp creatures. 


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