Friday, July 9, 2021

Marxist View of History   

   Picking up where we left off, here is a view from 1844, now shared by many with intentions of reinventing America:

   The entire so-called history of the world is nothing but the creation of man through human labor. -Marx 

   Authors of The American Covenant (1981) said Marx's view and that of his proteges permeated not only the communist world but American culture. It sees man in a godless materialism caught in a class struggle. Their solution: a perfect socialist state. 

   Today, race has replaced class as the focus, but the goal remains. One prolific, humanist historian de-emphasized Christian emphasis on our founding, and debunked the character of our founders. We see this frequently don't we? 

   From the book: Most Americans, whether we know it or not, have been deeply influenced by Docu-dramas such as "Roots," "The Rebels" - portraying history as a race or class struggle between rich and poor. 

   In 1979 (Jimmy Carter time) U.S. News and World Report claimed that most Americans believe what they see on TV, are down on America and free enterprise, and see little hope for the future. A Marxist is taught to exaggerate the evils of free enterprise and deny the fundamental basis of our society: Biblical principles and their influence on and through individuals, say the authors. 

   They continue: All views which deny the sovereignty of God must distort the facts of history (statues must fall?). They become revisionists, and may tolerate any views except the Providential view. This helps explain why Marxists and socialists, when they take charge of a nation, will purge many people, including Christians.  

   Examples: Soviet Union and Cambodia. 

Monday: The "Who Cares" Mentality


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